What are the unwritten rules about dogs in campsites?

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Inside a National Park there is a pretty substantial fine for not having your dog on less than a 6’ leash, but the bad thing is it can be a ticket and a mandatory court appearance which can put a kink in your travel plans especially since it is a federal court several miles away. Generally rangers just warn people to abide by the rules, but after years of warning the same slow learners sometimes experienced learning is a better alternative to a ticket and a 150 mile drive on a day not of their choosing. Be aware of the rules where you are staying and follow them, there is good reason for the rules.
My puppy Jack is coming up on 9 month's old and will be getting his first camping experience soon and he will stay on leash the whole time. I am fully aware that it is 100% my responsibility to care and protect him which translates to me as keep him close, on leash and since he is 17lbs trained to jump into my arms on command...(working on that but in the meen time I just pay him a lot of attention for when I need to grab him up into my arms.) I do watch video's on youtube of people whose dogs roam free and I am waiting for something to happen on camera to wake people up.16.jpg18.jpg
My puppy Jack is coming up on 9 month's old and will be getting his first camping experience soon and he will stay on leash the whole time. I am fully aware that it is 100% my responsibility to care and protect him which translates to me as keep him close, on leash and since he is 17lbs trained to jump into my arms on command...(working on that but in the meen time I just pay him a lot of attention for when I need to grab him up into my arms.) I do watch video's on youtube of people whose dogs roam free and I am waiting for something to happen on camera to wake people up.View attachment 30936View attachment 30937
As an aside, that's a pretty cool looking recumbent trike.
Thanks, can't really see from that angle but I converted it to an ebike with a 1500 watt Bafang Mid Drive and two 52V20Amp batteries (hence the saddlebags) I have the last few pieces coming so I can have a shade canopy with a 100 watt panel on it to help replenish the juice. Who knows what will happen with gas prices.... maybe it's time to build a camper for the trike LOL.


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Thanks, can't really see from that angle but I converted it to an ebike with a 1500 watt Bafang Mid Drive and two 52V20Amp batteries (hence the saddlebags) I have the last few pieces coming so I can have a shade canopy with a 100 watt panel on it to help replenish the juice. Who knows what will happen with gas prices.... maybe it's time to build a camper for the trike LOL.
Sure would like to see a build and cost on your trike in a new thread!
Two things I've seen in the past:

1. Fencing. One couple had acquired some 2x4" mesh wire fencing, 3 or 4ft wide. They cut it into several 5 or 6-ft lengths, then connected the ends somewhat loosely with some hog rings (need special pliers -- DON'T use the pliers from Harbor Freight!). For storage, the mesh panels were folded VVVVV, and had been designed to fit in their small trailer. They set up the fence right beside the door of their small motorhome.

2. Spray paint in a bright color. One guy said he just got fed up with people letting their dogs loose, and he did this if they kept doing it -- he would catch their dog and spray some stripes on it. He said most of them didn't come back.
I carry pepper spray. Dogs aren't my favorite but if one approaches slowly, calmly, AND gently, I can deal. I can not deal with a dog that comes running up to me off leash. On the trails, I always yell "Get your dog" but the dog is never under their control and they don't. Then they get upset when I pepper spray the dog. Once I had to pepper spray the owner. I wish I could spray only the owners because it's not the dog's fault but alas, I can't.

People on YouTube show their dogs running off leash on BLM land so I think that might be common there. I plan to be careful when I'm out and about.
I have absolutelly no desire to shoot anything with 4 legs, but I carry & life in prison is not a deterrant at my age. My small terrier thinks strangers are just friends she hasn't met yet.
I have absolutelly no desire to shoot anything with 4 legs, but I carry & life in prison is not a deterrant at my age. My small terrier thinks strangers are just friends she hasn't met yet.
Same here. I've never ever been in a situation where I would need to shoot a dog or any other 4 legged animal and I don't ever see a time when I would get close. Pepper spray, plus I'm adding a bull horn, should take care of any wayward animals, from dogs to bears. People? That's a whole different story and the reason I do what I need to do and carry what I need to carry to be safe. Thankfully I was raised by criminals and served my country so defense and incarceration are part of my existence. Even in that case though, I've worked very hard to get to a place of love and respect for my fellow man and wish them no harm. Like I told a friend at the range, I will defend myself against a home intruder without a second's hesitation, AND I will rush to call 911 to get the person help and do what I can to care for them until help comes because all life is precious and people deserve second chances. I shoot with combat vets and I do cleansing rituals with my spirit sisters. I don't believe in being one way or the other.
Same here. I've never ever been in a situation where I would need to shoot a dog or any other 4 legged animal and I don't ever see a time when I would get close. Pepper spray, plus I'm adding a bull horn, should take care of any wayward animals, from dogs to bears. People?
LOL that's an interesting thought, carry a bull horn and toot it at annoying people every time they open their mouth till they leave...I think that's genius lol
LOL that's an interesting thought, carry a bull horn and toot it at annoying people every time they open their mouth till they leave...I think that's genius lol
Lol. Someone suggested it earlier so I thought it might definitely work for dogs. Who knows? It might work equally well for people. If I'm remembering right, which is always up for debate, someone in one of my groups said they kept one for security in their car, in case someone tried to break in at night. That might definitely work.
Anyone pepper spraying someone else's dog should be sure it is really necessary. I.e. you being in danger of being bitten and not just because you dislike that they are running free. Even though they are in the wrong, some people could get really angry about their dog being sprayed and the situation could escalate into something very dangerous.
You are totally in the wrong. It's not free animal land, it's BLM 14 day free camping for humans. Some people have pets, some people don't want to be bothered by those pets. It's the pet owner's complete responsibility concerning their pets. When they let their pet run free they set their pet and themselves up for the consequences along with the victim. Pepper spray? Oh at least! Law suit, very possibly. If the dog terrifies or harms someone it is warranted. BLM postings don't say Enter at risk of being bitten or at least harrassed and terrified. Respect for others. Ever heard of it?
Each person in that situation needs to decide if it's necessary or not. All I'm saying is if it's not really warranted it can create a problem with the owner and that may not be a good thing.

Of course I've heard of respect for others and I practice it all the time. You should try not being so snippy with your comments as we wouldn't want you to appear to be disrespectful of others. And declaring someone else's opinion 'totally wrong' is well, wrong. Cheers.
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Each person in that situation needs to decide if it's necessary or not. All I'm saying is if it's not really warranted it can create a problem with the owner and that may not be a good thing.

Of course I've heard of respect for others and I practice it all the time. You should try not being so snippy with your comments as we wouldn't want you to appear to be disrespectful of others. And declaring someone else's opinion 'totally wrong' is well, wrong. Cheers.
Even when it's warranted, it creates problems with owners. Even people who were being bitten and kicked the dog to get it off them have had issues with the dog's owners. Some people are seriously narcissistic when it comes to their animals and no reason is a good reason to cause their animals harm. I understand that.

Creating problems with the owners isn't going to end well, me being traumatized by someone's aggressive dog isn't going to end well, and the owners creating problems with me isn't going to end well. Hopefully people will take responsibility for their dogs and keep them leashed when it's required so everybody's day can end well.
Communication can be tricky sometimes so let me make it very clear that I agree completely that people should not be letting their dogs run free. In fact, I've been at locations a couple of times when a roaming dog has acted aggressively towards me and I've called the local cops on the owners. I'm not afraid of dogs at all but am wary of some and will do whatever it takes to make them back off and that may be much worse than pepper spray. And like most other people, it's the stupid owners I loathe and not the dogs.
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When I first got Jack, the plan from day 1, was that I wanted a friendly1.jpg dog companion to take with me anywhere and not be the owner of "that dog" that was barking at everyone who passed by. In your own fenced in yard let the dog's run free. Everywhere else, they need to be leashed for their own protection because often they are poorly(if that) trained.
Thanks! I have to admit other then the fact he is a pretty smart breed and very empathetic which brings it's own issues at coming up on 10 months old he has had 15 "accident's" I live with chronic pain from a spinal cord injury and use medical marijuana for pain relief. I can't smoke in the house, so on the hour I head outside for a toke and I bring Jack to do his "thing" he figured out quick .

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