Women Only The Girls Room is for Women Only

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Dec 12, 2010
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<span id="post_message_1276297506">After a period of debate, we have decided to keep <strong>The Girls Room</strong> sub-forum as women only. My reasoning is simple, it's easy for me to see how people will be helped by a women's-only forum and hard for me to see who will be hurt. That's a formula I really like. <br><br>Who Will be Helped:<br>There are women who have had such bad experiences with men that they are scared and uncomfortable with them. I want to be sure they have a safe place here. Beyond that there are many issues that women would rather address in private and don't need men butting in.<br><br>Who Will Be Hurt:<br>Nobody that I can see. How is any male member of this forum directly hurt by not being allowed to comment on women's issues? The only harm done is to our ego and concepts of justice and fairness. Frankly, I don't care about egos or concepts, I care about helping people. This forum exists to help people, not to protect Truth, Justice and the American Way. If someone is more concerned with concepts and their ego instead of helping people, this simply is not the place for them.<br><br>I've known women forced into living in their cars and they are terrified and alone. The next step for them is a bag lady pushing a cart.&nbsp; I care about them and when they reach out to us for help, they are all that counts. Compared to their needs, male egos and the slippery slope of perceived discrimination pales into nothingness. That's the heart of this forum and it always will be. We have one goal here, to help people live their best lives. <br><br>I totally respect that many people don't see things this way. Ideas are important and I fully understand if you have to follow your principles.&nbsp; But this is the way this forum works and I ask that you either respect it and cooperate with us or find a forum more to your liking. If you can't find a forum to your liking and want to start your own, we will support you in any way we can.<br>Bob, Co-Owner of the forum.</span>
Thanks, Bob! Your&nbsp;explanation really makes this easy to understand and accept.&nbsp;
Yes, thank you, Bob! <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">
Wow, what a guy!! Thanks, Bob!&nbsp; I love your heart!!
Thanks Bob.&nbsp; Well put....means a lot!<br><br>Rae
Bob, one of the reasons I started lurking here is that it is always in the back of my mind that if my husband died, or I got hit with a slew of medical bills, if inflation skyrockets, or any number of other unexpected circumstances hit, I would probably end up living on the road.&nbsp; Before I found this forum, I would have been totally unprepared.&nbsp; I would have felt overwhelmed, terrified for my safety, depressed, and very homeless.&nbsp; I probably wouldn't have lasted long.<br><br>This forum has shown me that I could make it.&nbsp; And a big part of it is knowing that there are women on this board who are doing it, and I could send out an emergency post asking what they would do in situations and know that someone who understood my predicament and had been there would post advice I could count on.<br><br>I am not one of those who don't like men.&nbsp; I really do enjoy their company and I'd hate to be without their friendship, their advice, and their help.&nbsp; But we do think differently, especially in safety and emotional issues.<br><br>I hope I never am in a situation where a women's room would ever make a difference in who posts and who doesn't.&nbsp; But I can see situations where it would make a HUGE difference.<br><br>As always, thank you for caring about the actual life of van dwellers over all the peripheral issues.
Bob, you are a brilliant human being! I love your priorities -- helping people over abstractions. Thank you!
Bob, every time you post in the forum or on your blog, I am more blown away by your wisdom and lovingkindness. Thank you.
I am very new here Bob but your kind and caring thoughts for all have already become obvious to me.<br><br>Perhaps the men would like a 'Mens Shed' thread?&nbsp; (Mens Shed is a Mens self help organisation in Aus.)<br><br>annie
Men's Shed has saved the lives of many men, and the sanity of countless more.&nbsp;&nbsp; One of the best semi-government initiatives ever implemanted.<br><br>Lifey
Are Hermaphrodites (like a circus freak-of-nature) allowed on this part of the forum? You know, like, a half man/half woman?
<br><br>Comments like this are not welcome on Katie's and my forum. Repeated posts like this on the forum will make the poster not welcome.&nbsp; <br><br>Our primary goal here is to serve. Part of serving is creating a family-like community or a tribe. Part of family is fun and humor which I am going to assume xj700 was going for. But this kind of humor is not acceptable because it does much more harm than it is funny.&nbsp;<br><br>In our opinion, this kind of humor veers too close to mean-spirited to be acceptable. I know in some families harsh humor is the norm. This is NOT one of those families. <br><br>Yes, this is censorship. There is now, and there always will be censorship on this forum and it is not open to debate. It is strictly a take it or leave it proposition. <br>Bob
Bob: your comments and wisdom and caring love brought tears to my eyes. I know this is an old topic but as I am fairly new I am trying to read up on all the wisdom that has been shared here on this forum. You and katie and many many others are models to me. I do want you all to know that I have been not been sleeping much lately as I have been staying up way too late trying to read everything. Lol. Nora
Hi! I'm new and I'm lurking but your post made me cry so I wanted to comment. You just don't see that kind of love and protection in the world today. I can't put into words what I'm feeling. All I can say is thank you but just know it doesn't come close to what you just gave me.<br><br>Hugs.
Welcome to the forum, Cerenatee. You'll find a lot of support here. Don't be shy.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>Gail
Thank you for this Bob. Ive been watching your YT vids for awhile now like most of us here and could see from those that you're a compassionate inclusive person and as others have commented elsewhere, it shows that you have a kind heart.

Thanks for making this "space" for us women. As a woman that wants to live solo in a van I have some of the concerns that you elude to, and its nice to know that I not only have a safe place here on these boards, but that I will have a safe place when I finally venture out if I want or need it. Thank you again. <3
And, please know, even if someone has a traditionally male name, it could be a woman. I didn't know my proper name until I started school, so I won't change it after 57 years. PM someone to verify gender if you are unsure. I've been questioned about my gender on several boards, not just this one.
akrvbob said:
<br><br>Comments like this are not welcome on Katie's and my forum. Repeated posts like this on the forum will make the poster not welcome.&nbsp; <br><br>Our primary goal here is to serve. Part of serving is creating a family-like community or a tribe. Part of family is fun and humor which I am going to assume xj700 was going for. But this kind of humor is not acceptable because it does much more harm than it is funny.&nbsp;<br><br>In our opinion, this kind of humor veers too close to mean-spirited to be acceptable. I know in some families harsh humor is the norm. This is NOT one of those families. <br><br>Yes, this is censorship. There is now, and there always will be censorship on this forum and it is not open to debate. It is strictly a take it or leave it proposition. <br>Bob
Thank you, Bob!  I appreciate your response. In my humble opinion, the comment was totally mean spirited, and not the least bit humorous. This person completely showed their ignorance, concerning the LGBTQI community!
Thanks Bob for being the wise gentleman that you are. Being a rather take no crap kinda gal that I am, I was amazed to discover years ago that smart supposedly secure women who had plenty to say and laughs to share became mute hand maids when their partner or men in general were added to the mix. When I changed the work camp outs to women only, these gals blossomed. There's plenty of room in this ole world for us all to find their nitch, guys to be guys, women to feel safe and free and then when we all mix I together how happy we are. Happy trails to all!

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