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I hope I get to join the caravan you are going to host, sounds like some really good campfire discussions!
I’m pretty sure Bob Wells is comfortable with how CaravanOne is being run. That it’s consistent with his objectives.

I think he’s looking for qualified individuals to host other caravans in the near future. Maybe that’s how you could show us what the best way to host a caravan is.
I’m a bit confused about the caravans. I thought they were for new nomads to teach them the ropes but I hear people saying that they might join this or that caravan who I know to be long time nomads. Anyone have input on this?
AFAIK while they were originally intended to help out the newbies, there are no restrictions on who can join a caravan with the exception that it cannot grow to be more than 75 people because then they would need a group permit from the BLM.

If experienced nomads want to join, perhaps it will be good training for them on what to expect if they would like to take the lead on a caravan some time in the future. It will also give the newbies a different perspective on various things and even perhaps spread the 'work load' out and take some of the pressure off the caravan leaders - the more hands the lighter the work type thing.
I think joining one would be fun just to sit back and watch, having been a rather unconventional teacher and bus driver for several years I really enjoy watching how people deal with different problems especially when you have so many personalities and backgrounds. One of my best early teaching experiences was watching another fed up teacher set up a boxing ring over Christmas break and invite any and all students,parents, administrators or board members to come to his classroom, put on the gloves and get in the ring! It really was a show! Over the course of Sunsay afternoon close to fifty got in the ring! These caravans are a brand new development especially in a group where a large part of the members stay to themselves, watching it grow from a group to an organization is entertaining to me. Maybe a good way to get things going would be some gray water filled ballons to put out the camp fire with after a lively discussion! I am a member of Y.A.R.C.
I have spent some time with Caravan1 camping at the Slabs and Ehrenburg. The hosts you speak of seem to do a great job. Group meetings are held both in the morning and evening hours. The hosts engage the people with pertinant questions about the nomad lifestyle, the adventures we would like to support. All in all, it's not a dictatorship, most everything is discussed and decided in a democratic way. Many times we would laugh at Randys jokes and funny antics and CB would back him up with factual information. It really is a great time with those two. I hope the caravan idea continues for both newbees and experienced alike.
bullfrog said:
I hope I get to join the caravan you are going to host, sounds like some really good campfire discussions!

If you think, were I to host a caravan, that I would "lead discussions" in a particular direction, then you have missed my point entirely. 

My only hope would be that, if I did make a mistake and make other people feel uncomfortable, that I would take their feelings seriously, get advise from others about how I can do better, and try to rectify the situation; rather than passively-aggressively ridicule the person in public. But that's just me.
Vonbrown said:
I have spent some time with Caravan1 camping at the Slabs and Ehrenburg. The hosts you speak of seem to do a great job. Group meetings are held both in the morning and evening hours. The hosts engage the people with pertinant questions about the nomad lifestyle, the adventures we would like to support. All in all, it's not a dictatorship, most everything is discussed and decided in a democratic way. Many times we would laugh at Randys jokes and funny antics and CB would back him up with factual information. It really is a great time with those two. I hope the caravan idea continues for both newbees and experienced alike.

I am glad to see that perhaps I am wrong. As I said, these guys might be great guys. It is the specific behavior that concerns me, and particularly their behavior towards people who disagree with them. As you can see in the posts above (which I will not respond to) all I got from the Leader was snark and an implication that I think I know better than other people. 

Well, I'm going to drop the issue now. My solution, as suggested in Bob's initial video about the caravans, is to just not go where I think I will be uncomfortable.
I have found both caravan one forum threads and subscribed. Hopefully I will get notifications about postings.  
I'm still learning to use the forums.  
I haven't used forums since having dial-up! LOL
Eric's package is safely here at LOWS Slab. FYI

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