My 26-day road trip.

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Mar 25, 2021
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The idea for a road trip came about very quickly after I bought my 2005 Ford Ranger 4x4 with 80,000 miles on it. 
I bounced all kinds of ideas around my brain about how I could do it, and not spend a ton of money in the process; everything from a topper to making my own slide-in camper. I ended up with a sort of compromise, and built 5.5 inch plywood risers to raise the high-roof topper I got for free up a few inches after measuring myself sitting in a 5-gallon bucket. I knew I could adjust the height of a bed, but that bucket is kinda fixed. It worked out perfectly. There's a thread in the TRUCKS forum about all that.
I left my home in Maine on May 20 at about 8 pm...a very late start! I had an appointment at the VA 130-ish miles away for the next morning and just wanted to avoid having to get up early and drive for a couple of hours, so late or not, I hit the road.
Twenty-five miles down the road I got a call that the appointment had been cancelled! I decided that I'd keep going anyway and see how far I got that night, Ended up at the Cabela's in Hudson, Mass. I was impressed! There was special marked spots for RVs only, a dump station and water. If you're traveling that way and need a place to sleep, consider that spot.
That night was the first time I ever used a five-gallon bucket as a toilet. I expected that it would be rather uncomfortable and that I'd wish I'd spent the money for a blue-water toilet, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that was not the case at all. Obviously there's some smell when taking the bag out of the bucket and tying it shut, but even in my cramped quarters that dissipated very quickly with the windows open. I did feel like some kind of criminal the first few times I deposited the bag in a trash can though.
The next day I intended to stay at a Cracker Barrel in Harrisburg, PA, but even staying off the highway I got there too early so I kept going to Chambersburg. There was already an RV behind the building but I went in to ask if it was ok to sleep there anyway. I slept very well in my little "cramper" but was instantly awake when the train horn sounded at 5:30 am! My first thought was, "Am I in a repeat of 'My Cousin Vinnie'?" 
When they opened at 7 I went in for breakfast, hoping it would be great, but it wasn't. I hit the road and went to two civil war battlegrounds, Antietam and Chancellorsville. Both were goals I set when I planned the trip. I was impressed with Antietam, and disappointed by Chancellorsville.
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I'm splitting this up to keep the posts from being too long.
I didn't take enough pictures at Antietam, and took only one at Chancellorsville as the most interesting thing I saw there was the spot where the foundation of a house used to be, which wasn't very exciting, interesting of thought provoking. So, I shot a picture of the poster explaining the importance of the battle.
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Chancellorsville.jpg[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]After my brief visit there I headed south again, now thinking I can get to my son's house at Fort Stewart, GA sooner than I thought I was going to, so I was motivated to drive more. I still stayed off of toll roads, but I did start using highways.[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I didn't keep any notes of where I was during this part of my trip so I'm not 100% sure where I was when I went to bed that night, but looking at my text messages from that evening, it apparently was someplace in South Carolina. My texts to a friend say "24 hours, 650 miles" on Friday night, and "Update,  SC, 1150 miles" on Saturday night. I do know I slept at a Walmart that night after checking out the local Cracker Barrel, which had 4 RV spots and was so brightly lit that I wondered how they knew when the sun comes up in the morning! My curtains are just single-thick pieces of a dark blue sheet so I knew I didn't have a chance of making it dark in my "cramper".[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Nothing to report about Sunday... it was only a 250 mile drive to my son's house.[/font]


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Just a few pictures of my 24 square-foot living quarters...aka "The Cramper". And don't worry, I didn't really sleep with my head beside the bucket, the pictures were taken before the bucket had been used and also before I put the pillow on the correct end of the bed.
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bullfrog said:
The adventure begins!
For sure! I do wish I had had the time to take a shorter trip as a "shakedown cruise" though. I might have made better curtains, realized my water system needed some tweaking, had a notebook and pen(s) and gotten a road atlas before this trip. I might also have found out that the front window in the topper leaks before my blankets and bed got wet. My next road trip (I hope to go to Texas a year from this November) of any length I'll be a bit more prepared!
I spent a week at my son's house. During that time I made a few improvements to the cramper, which included actually getting the water pump working, wiring in a 12v power outlet, an LED light strip as a ceiling light, adding a bar to hang clothes from and adding switches for the fan and water pump.
Late in the week we went to Fort Pulaski in Savannah. I'd never heard of it so I was not expecting much. It turned out to be a very interesting, well-done, civil war exhibit that was very educational. It was this battle that showed military leaders the superiority of rifled cannon over smooth bores, and that masonry was not the best material for defensive structures. The Union cannon could accurately place shots from further away because they were rifled, but the rebels, shooting with smooth-bores, found that their shells were falling short and doing no damage to the union fortifications. The fort, being made of brick was very heavily damaged and eventually the fort commander surrendered. This fort was well worth the trip there and I highly recommend going there. There is a admission fee, but we were covered for that two ways...I have an America the Beautiful pass, and he's active military. My pass more than paid for itself this trip. I bought it at Antietam (which has a $10 admission charge) in anticipation of there being admission charges at other parks, which there was. On just this one road trip, I ended up saving $30!
We finished our excursion with a visit to Wiley's BBQ in Savannah, which was very good. I have three cups from there as souvenirs now.
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And a few more shots of Fort Pulaski
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From Fort Stewart my original plan was to go west to a campground in Warwick, GA, a trip of just a bit over 3 hours and then visit Andersonville prison national park on Tuesday before heading south to my daughter's house in Florida, but that plan got changed 180 degrees, and I headed for Florida from Fort Stewart.
It's a 6.5 hour drive down the highway to her place in Niceville, which is way out on the panhandle. The drive, because it was all highway,  was rather boring!
I visited at their place for another week. They both work, so the days were rather empty there in the house alone. I thought I might spend some time in their pool, but decided not to while I was alone. I'm old enough (and out of shape enough) to get winded and tired fairly quickly and I'm a really poor swimmer...decided that might not be a good combination alone in a pool. Evenings were spent talking or playing cribbage.
My wife arrived on Friday from her trip to visit her parents in Puerto Rico, and my son and his kids arrived Saturday, so that all lived the visit up a bit.
One thing I did do while I was there was to visit the Air Force armament museum. There is no admission fee here. I partly went to see if any of the airplanes on display there were planes I had traveled in while in the Army, or in Vietnam, but those were all cargo planes, not combat planes, so none of them were on display. There was lots of interesting planes to see here though, including a B-52. One surprise for me was just how small a B-25 bomber was!
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That's enough for now... I can't sit here on the couch all day. That's usually a problem for me anyway, but I'm finding that since I got home on Friday night I don't want to sit still long, even though I feel tired, I guess the trip wasn't long enough!
Great share of your new adventures and as you proceed, your list of 'I wanna change' or do' will become bigger but it will suit your personal needs so this is a great shake up trip for you! We learn and change thru doing, not dreaming!
I just got an email from Google maps with my May travel I have no problem knowing where I was at any time during the trip. I could get worked up about Google knowing that much about me, but I did turn on location history for just that reason, and right now I'm glad I did. Now I can tell you all that the world's brightest and best lighted Cracker Barrel parking lot is in Florence, SC. LOL
the world's brightest and best lighted Cracker Barrel parking lot is in Florence, SC. LOL

I seriously wish I had taken a picture! That place was BRIGHT!
All my children were conceived in Florence.;););) Not South Carolina. Wife’s name was Florence. I even Have a picture of her with the guy who played eb on Green acres I titled it “Eb and Flo”
About a month ago I had breakfast in a Cracker Barrel, I was not impressed.

Sounds like you had a good time!
I had a great time, but after eating breakfast in two different Cracker Barrels, I have to say that I was not impressed with their breakfast at all.

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