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Big money has effected news broadcasts but voting records and live or recorded broadcasts of Congress in secession combined with each parties press conferences with lots of fact checking can be verified. One example is representatives taking credit for the good things in bills that passed they voted against. Another that surprised me was when the border bill was supported by Border Patrol Associations that endorsed Trump. I experienced many of the hot parts of the Cold War and even then disinformation was used to influence. Many in the Russian government were convinced we didn’t have the capabilities we had. We had to paint our missile silos doors bright pink so they would show up on satellite images once I was told. We also conducted operational exercises to prove we could launch in under 2 minutes as they thought it was 48 minutes giving them time for a preemptive attack. We need to hold our representatives accountable when they deceive us and do not do the bidding of their constituents. We need to elect smart enough representatives that can acknowledge they are being deceived and have enough courage to confront those that deceive them with proven facts instead of folding to party pressure.
There is a ton of little j journalism these days. And hardly any actual big J journalism to be found anywhere.

When you have news on a network channel, you get defined slots that fit within a programming schedule.

When you have multiple networks that doing an all news format you have to fill time, as there is no sitcom coming on afterwards. Real journalism takes time, requires resources, costs money, and tends to not fit with the content needs of a network.

So they did what TV did decades ago during the writers strike. They went full reality TV and opinion reporting. Instead of survivor season 25, you get your star anchors and opinionists. Every network has them. Every party has their preferences. Tucker Carlson, Cooper Anderson, Rachel Maddow, etc. Pick your flavor, they have someone for you. Opinions, ideas, thoughts and conspiracy's. All spoon fed to those that couldn't get enough.

We're on real housewives of Somalia probably at this point. They needed to fill programming. And having someone talk and give opinions was cheap and easy. The political parties love it because it's a narrative fest. The viewers love it because they are listening to someone that thinks like they do. And the networks profit.

90% of what you hear on any of these channels is opinion content. You're letting others tell you what they think and not doing the thinking for yourself. Reality TV for the political junkies.
Whatever. I’m sure you are correct. Walter Cronkite never tried to be factual.
The networks are biased. Not the anchors... they may be, too. Idk. I looked up Cronkite. I didn't realize how far left he was...

Cronkite contrasted his support for accountable global government with the opposition to it by politically active Christian fundamentalists in the United States:

Even as with the American rejection of the League of Nations, our failure to live up to our obligations to the United Nations is led by a handful of willful senators who choose to pursue their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our nation's conscience. They pander to and are supported by the Christian Coalition and the rest of the religious right wing. Their leader, Pat Robertson, has written that we should have a world government but only when the messiah arrives. Any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the Devil! Well join me... I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.[84][85]
In 2003, Cronkite, who owned property on Martha's Vineyard, became involved in a long-running debate over his opposition to the construction of a wind farm in that area. In his column, he repeatedly condemned President George W. Bush and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Cronkite appeared in the 2004 Robert Greenwald film Outfoxed, where he offered commentary on what he said were unethical and overtly political practices at the Fox News Channel. Cronkite remarked that when Fox News was founded by Rupert Murdoch, "it was intended to be a conservative organization – beyond that; a far-right-wing organization". In January 2006, during a press conference to promote the PBS documentary about his career, Cronkite said that he felt the same way about America's presence in Iraq as he had about their presence in Vietnam in 1968 and that he felt America should recall its troops.[87]

More at wiki:
The networks are biased. Not the anchors... they may be, too. Idk. I looked up Cronkite. I didn't realize how far left he was...

Cronkite contrasted his support for accountable global government with the opposition to it by politically active Christian fundamentalists in the United States:

In 2003, Cronkite, who owned property on Martha's Vineyard, became involved in a long-running debate over his opposition to the construction of a wind farm in that area. In his column, he repeatedly condemned President George W. Bush and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Cronkite appeared in the 2004 Robert Greenwald film Outfoxed, where he offered commentary on what he said were unethical and overtly political practices at the Fox News Channel. Cronkite remarked that when Fox News was founded by Rupert Murdoch, "it was intended to be a conservative organization – beyond that; a far-right-wing organization". In January 2006, during a press conference to promote the PBS documentary about his career, Cronkite said that he felt the same way about America's presence in Iraq as he had about their presence in Vietnam in 1968 and that he felt America should recall its troops.[87]

More at wiki:
And he retired from being a reporter in 1981 - long before any of this.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Southern Arizona these last few years and yes there is a lot of bus loads of I assume immigrants being transported to I assume processing stations. Not near enough border patrol agents probably but those that are there make their presence felt as I have seen 10 or 15 Border Patrol vehicles on the 20 mile stretch of road into Caballo Loco and detection station units even on our entrance road but even though I have seen evidence of I assume illegal immigrants, I have never seen one roaming through the desert in all the months I’ve been here. I assume our Border Patrol knows what it takes to do their job and when they need more resources they request them. When they support a bill I assume it will benefit them in doing their job. The Mexican government troops went into Sasabe Mexico just across the border 30 miles down the road last month after supposedly the drug cartel shot up the town so they could use it supposedly for human trafficking after running out the inhabitants. How could any representative vote against even discussing that bill or at least passing it in the Senate so it could go on to the House?
I’ve spent a lot of time in Southern Arizona these last few years and yes there is a lot of bus loads of I assume immigrants being transported to I assume processing stations. Not near enough border patrol agents probably but those that are there make their presence felt as I have seen 10 or 15 Border Patrol vehicles on the 20 mile stretch of road into Caballo Loco and detection station units even on our entrance road but even though I have seen evidence of I assume illegal immigrants, I have never seen one roaming through the desert in all the months I’ve been here. I assume our Border Patrol knows what it takes to do their job and when they need more resources they request them. When they support a bill I assume it will benefit them in doing their job. The Mexican government troops went into Sasabe Mexico just across the border 30 miles down the road last month after supposedly the drug cartel shot up the town so they could use it supposedly for human trafficking after running out the inhabitants. How could any representative vote against even discussing that bill or at least passing it in the Senate so it could go on to the House?

So that illegal immigration can be an issue in the next election. It’s all about winning.
So that illegal immigration can be an issue in the next election. It’s all about winning.
First goal is ALWAYS about winning next re-elections. Solving the problem ONLY if it does not distract from the first goal.
Having a nice unsolvable problem which helps to win one election after another is every politician dream.
We have politicians, not statemen. Party over country. Because voters vote for them. Because politicians design voting district to have voters they prefer.
Voting system we have gives us politicians we have. To change politicians, we need to change the voting system, as I mentioned several dozen comments above.
Talking about issues makes little sense, because it is always manipulated to get desired results. Because we do not share common facts anymore (as we did back when there were 3 main channels) - we are split by news sources we use.
Please characterize your statement if you feel I was in error regarding my post in relation to your post.

I was saying I didn't want to go back and forth on specific people and situations, which seemed likely if I just gave a flat answer. I'm all for debate and discussion. But since I don't know you or how you communicate yet, I thought it was prudent not to get caught in a back and forth regarding specific situations.

I do stand by what I posted, regardless of how it comes off in relation to your question.
Very simple, give an example where the extreme left has immediately set policy, or tried to, like the extreme right is currently doing
Wonder if there are many intelligent people left in Congress that ever find time to debate issues that matter to all the country like we have here. Maybe form committees to try and solve real problems doing what is best for the majority of the people instead of those that donate the most. I see studies and hear bills introduced but have seen very few pass into law. Guess we need to elect people that know at least how to count! Lol!!!
Maybe more bills would pass if they didn't attach some crazy ass pork project to most of them.
I tend to blame the plethora of multi-media news. When we only had three broadcast channels and each channel had only 30 minutes to deliver the news, they tended to deliver ‘just the facts’. But now we have a lot of news channels and each, for the most part, focuses only on their target audience. This has tended to allow folks to first form an opinion and then select the ‘news’ channel which matched their preconceived opinion. That then causes a ‘festering of the mind’ as the news channel and their audience form a loop of anger.
It's not news anymore it is all a reality show. Every story gets embellished.
Very simple, give an example where the extreme left has immediately set policy, or tried to, like the extreme right is currently doing
Give me your example of the far right doing that, so I know your personal point of reference.

Not saying it isn't happening. I just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing.
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