I wonder if there's some way to fill this need

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2021
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So here's a need for workers that's going unfilled -- but I'm not sure how to turn it into a viable job. I'm guessing it probably wouldn't work for most, but I'm just going to throw it out here in case someone can figure out how to run with it.

I just had my second cataract surgery.* Like many outpatient surgeries now, it was mandatory to have someone drive you home and stay with you for 6 hours. I'm new in town and didn't know anyone I wanted to impose on. It was really hard to find anyone willing to do this for pay -- even most of the home-health-care agencies won't. I finally found someone fantastic, but even that agency had literally only one person willing to take it on because nobody (in that field anyway) wants short-term gigs. I can't say I blame them since the $%^&* surgicenter gives less than 24 hours notice of your schedule, so the person has to basically block the whole day off their calendar.

There was a New York Times article sometime in the last month on this problem. Apparently it is widespread, and people are even doing without medical procedures because of it.

I don't think it would be easy to set up a service. Customers would need a good reason to trust you -- easiest if you went through some existing agency's vetting service -- and you would need a good way to feel safe in strangers' houses -- again easiest if you worked through an established company, I'd think -- and a business-friendly vehicle -- and a lifestyle that worked with multiple short random gigs rather than one steady one -- and you'd probably want basic CPR/first aid even though it's not mandatory (they just require a warm body >18 y.o. willing to sign a form). But this is what capitalism is supposed to be good at -- matching up weird needs with weird availabilities -- right?

edited to add: and there could be liability issues, so you might need a basic contract + insurance -- yeah, would probably only work through an existing agency -- but you might be able to pitch it to one -- "my" guys sounded interested in expanding into this if they could have found the staff to do it.

Anyway, if there's the 1 in 1000 out there who thinks they could run with this, here it is FWIW.

* 😊😊😊😊😊
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Might be able to hire a nurses aide type from one of the home health care companies, which are everywhere now because it is cheaper to send someone into a home to help than put them in a nursing home.

If you are low income enough, it might be free.

I know a woman, on SSDI, living in federally subsidized senior housing, who has an aide come in twice a week to help her.
Most of the time another person is required to drop off. And someone is needed to pick you up so you aren't driving home.

You can even Uber or Lyft if needed, although that does cost depending on how far it is. They usually don't require a person to stay the entire time.
No, home health agencies don't do this (not where I am, and not apparently for many other people per the NYT article).
No, the hospital won't accept you leaving by Uber and Lyft and yes, they do require someone to stay (true where I am and elsewhere per the article). I mean, you could lie about it, they don't send police to check your house, but you and your minder do need to commit to it.
There does in fact appear to be a market niche, at least in some parts of the country, for people willing/able to provide this service.
The last two surgeries I had (shoulder and disc replacements in back) in California, no one needed to wait during the surgery. But I did need someone to drive me home due to anesthesia concerns, which seems standard everywhere..

In fact with the back surgery I drove myself there, and someone was there so I could get released.

Must be different areas having different laws regarding things.
Larger cities often have adult day-care facilities, I wonder if they might be able to spare a nurses aide on short notice for this type of service?
Maybe the local senior center would have ideas, as well.

Surely this can’t be an unusual situation.

I have had cataract and other OP surgeries, always requiring a ride but never requiring that someone be at home with me for a designated period of time.
Nope -- not around here anyway, not any of these options.
Happy if some people are having better luck, but not everyone is.
(Unless that good luck was fairly recent, you might also find that things have changed.)
There is definitely a need for this service, at least in some parts of the country (precisely because it is "not an unusual situation" -- finding those "not unusual situations" where needs aren't being met and offering better options is how people build a better mousetrap etc.).
That's why I posted a comment about it in the forum where people talk about jobs.
On the, as I said, 1 in 1000 chance that somebody might see a way to get entrepreneurial with it.
Or, of course, not!

I’m not suggesting it isn’t a need, just my own experience and maybe that the senior center could help.

A lot of seniors live alone and may be isolated from family or helpful others.

I wonder if an option would be to stay at the surgical centers for those 6 hours, in a waiting area?

And I’m suggesting possibilities for others who may read this thread and find themselves in similar circumstances as yours. ☺️
There is a woman in my area who owns a mini van and does these gig jobs. She does it like this:

1) became an ordained minister instantly at Universal Life Church

2) set up an 15 501 C3 Tax Free Corporation with secretary & treasurer where the minister is president. What will be expected ? This example uses California as a State for example and Fed is included.

CalNonprofits org

You would need a licensed & Insured vehicle for transporting a client. Cell phone, website, email, business cards & stationary, and basic business software for your computer.

Your mission statement would be something like this: "Established to aid and assist those in need of transportation and or personal care".

Then an agreed fee for services would be received as a contribution to the church.

Then the services of the church could be mentioned to various medical centers needing such services for their clients & Govt agencies looking for these services for those they represent.

It would be wise to employ a lawyer to set up an "online work order"
form that a client would have to sign and agree to the fee prior to rendering services.

The woman I speak of generally sits with the elderly for $15 an hour and pulls in $150 a day and travel no further than 15 miles from home. Her husband who has COPD is treasurer and her special needs child (who is 26 now) is secretary. They live in a nice home that is listed as her church. She also has side businesses in this as well.

She is not a Nomad but I would imagine this could be done on a more nomadic manner.

I would not recommend doing this on a "Quid Pro Quo" basis though. (cash under the table) Too many things can go wrong and Nomads don't need that kind of bad press.
Nope -- not around here anyway, not any of these options.
Might I ask, where is "here"? As Happy Camper mentioned above, it seems likely that there are lots of different regulations in different areas...
I’ve faced this situation, but I don’t see a solution. I would however be willing to volunteer for a fellow nomad, schedule and location permitting.

Bigger picture, the home aides mentioned are common, but not in the nomad community. This would seem to be a good opportunity for income for younger nomads. The easiest way to get this started would be with someone who had experience in the field. Practically that would be management experience.
..... No, the hospital won't accept you leaving by Uber and Lyft and yes, they do require someone to stay .....
Wonder what the surgery center would do if you told them you don't have anyone to stay with you?

I have an acquaintance that did home health care (adult baby sitting) for a while and she picked up extra shifts on one day sittings. Needed about a week advance notice (unless an emergency, $$$). You would need to set up an account ahead of time.

Her employer was bonded, insured, did background check and periodic disease screening on her, and initial home visit on client. Not something for an individual to easily set up or maintain.
I haven’t looked into it but if you were a member of Escapees Club and near their Care Center outside Livingston Texas since they make runs to hospitals and doctor appointments in Houston and check on individuals living in their RVs on the property adjacent to Rainbows End. I imagine something might be worked out with the volunteer staff.
I haven’t looked into it but if you were a member of Escapees Club and near their Care Center outside Livingston Texas since they make runs to hospitals and doctor appointments in Houston and check on individuals living in their RVs on the property adjacent to Rainbows End. I imagine something might be worked out with the volunteer staff.
I'm in Houston, 290 and 610; this might be useful to me in the very near future. I'm getting old and have COPD; it's all catching up to me, and I need to have someone look under the hood. I have my little "C" RV and Jeep Grand Cherokee I tow, and right now, the Jeep is down.
I can’t say enough good things about Escapees Club as they, like the Petersons along with founding members were key to solving all the problems that could have prevented us from going on the road. My wife and I have been members for over 20 years and actually worked part time at their Livingston facility as well. The Care Center allows RVers to live in a sort of assisted care setting which is staffed but uses mainly volunteers so even with the lot, meals, transportation and adult day care it was last I checked monthly about what the average Social Security income is. Club dues come with benefits and are less than $100 a year. You could join and get a free site by volunteering at the Care Center to check it out as well as make inquiries about availability. Let me know if they still do ice cream socials on Sunday afternoons!
I'm in Houston, 290 and 610; this might be useful to me in the very near future. I'm getting old and have COPD; it's all catching up to me, and I need to have someone look under the hood. I have my little "C" RV and Jeep Grand Cherokee I tow, and right now, the Jeep is doi
I'm in Houston, 290 and 610; this might be useful to me in the very near future. I'm getting old and have COPD; it's all catching up to me, and I need to have someone look under the hood. I have my little "C" RV and Jeep Grand Cherokee I tow, and right now, the Jeep is down.
I just paid my annual renewal to Escapees this morning. They may b more RV oriented but they keep track of legislation that affects all of us and fights for all of us. CARE their convalescent center is there if u break a hip or whatever so u can heal and go back to your camper. I know every year at Q the Boomers raise money for CARE (I think around $8,000.00 this year). But don’t quote me. Best $50.00 yearly dues I can spend.
Best Wishes
I can understand why the hospitals will not allow an uber to pick someone up after surgery as they know the uber will be driving off and they want the patient monitored. Well, in this day and age of tech, could not someone monitor someone virtually? As a business this could be good as one person could monitor several folks simultaneously. (within reason) So, the patient assures the hospital that they have both a ride and monitoring once home. We use virtual meetings for doctors visits, court appearances, and business meetings so why not this? With today's litigious society I can see some huge potential liability here should something go wrong even if sitting right with the person at their house so the proper insurance would be needed for sure.
We don't know why hospitals require someone with you for 6 hours (especially no qualification other than breathing). Is it a sound medical practice or CYA because of getting sued in the past or just because 'this is how it has always been done'?

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