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Feb 23, 2012
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I <i>love</i>&nbsp;to garden. (I'm not that good at it... but Lord willin' I'll stick to it to my dying day even if I never coax more than three tomatoes from one plant).<div><br></div><div>Right now we live on a quarter acre in a neighborhood. Our house takes up about half the room. The rest is split between the front and back yards. We have to be careful what we do with the front yard (neighborhood, remember?) and the back is filled with shade trees. There's a TINSY little patch that I garden in right now.... I will miss it so badly when we move.</div><div><br></div><div>Our plans are to get land, eventually, which means LOTS of room to garden! Until then, we will be living in an RV park that my grandparents manage, and the owners have already okay'd gardening a plot.</div><div><br></div><div>However, if those plans fall through, I still want to have options for gardening inside or on the motorhome. I know when driving I probably can't have any surviving plants on the outside. And as far as the inside, I was reading about sprouting on here. But I would like to do herbs, shoving things in any corner that gets sunlight.</div><div><br></div><div>Has anyone done anything like this? Any tips for space saving containers? Any cons that make it better to just leave the garden outside? Any ideas of what to do with hanging containers when driving?</div><div><br></div><div>Just throwing thoughts out there. There's a fair chance I could just be crazy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div><div><br></div><div>Thanks!</div>
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In the old days when cattle drives were common, the cooks used to plant herbs at their regular stops along the way. This meant there was less to carry with them and there would always be fresh herbs handy at each of their stops. You'll obviously have to do a little research into what can grow where and time of year and what not, but it's doable!<div><br></div><div>Steve</div><div><br></div>
div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;That's a great idea! Thank you! I was just thinking about doing that with flowers... it would be a blessing to the next people to get the spot as well. I would love to add herbs to that little plan. Maybe I could leave behind little weatherproof signs showing what herb is what. Hum...&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;I was also just thinking about something else. What if I reserve a little place in the storage underneath for my potted plants? I could get a&nbsp;Tupperware&nbsp;box to fit the area, attach lights on the underside of the lid, and when we are traveling, place my plants in there, making sure to attend to them every once and a while when we pit stop... and then when we get to our destination, set them out again... I could grow many herbs together in a few different pots... and maybe a few flowers for a woman's touch. **think, think, thinkin**&lt;/div&gt;
<P>edible flowers <A href="" target=_blank target=_blank></A></P><P>My daughter Dakota makes violet jam. The flowers may be frozen, she did that and made jam at Christmas.&nbsp; I'm not a good cook, an attention span thing. Mine didn't turn out so I told everyone I made violet syrup. <A href="" target=_blank></A><BR><BR>Also, wasn't it you Steve that started a thread about sprouts here?<BR><B>Dragonfly</B><BR></P>
Container gardens, that can be moved in and out as you travel are one option. Growing in a container also allows you to move plants out of or into the shade/shelter, as needed.<div><a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div><div><br></div><div>I've used the <a href="http://smallspacegardening.rockingc...ce-gardeningthe-three-sisterspart-2-of-2.html" target="_blank"><b>3 sisters method</b></a>, in a container, when space was lacking. I grew corn in several containers and alternated the other plants so I had more than just corn, beans and squash. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
you could try growing things that have short root systems. like lettuce, some herbs, i once gave a bucket to a friend with 4 beans seeds in it. it sat on their porch and grew fine with little attention. if its a plant bucket it can sit in a window? every year i grow sweet basil, oregano and parsley in small plant buckets on the porch. short root systems and i can usually harvest many times and then dry them and end up with a full jelly jar of it that is good for at least 6 months of cooking (use less its stronger than store bought). i just throw mine in a bowl somewhere and forget about them. when dry, crumble and put in jar. i had 6 pickings from each of the herb plants this last season. pick or cut with scissors the tops before they flower and they will keep producing. i mix all 3 herbs together in same jar.<br><br>another neat thing to do that can work well in traveling is to make your own apple cider vinegar.<br>i have been doing it this way for many years but i know others may have a different way to do it.<br>lets say i make an apple pie. peel and core apples, soak in water with a cap of lemon juice. i use about 4 medium to large apples. they only soak as long as it takes me to cut them all up and put in pie crust.<br>i take the peels and cores and throw them in a jar with plain water. (fill jar with water). then put up on shelf with the lid slightly lose but still on.<br>then i forget about it for a month. end of that month (maybe another week or so in cold weather), i smell it. if it is good and strong its ready. i then just add it to my old jug with previous made ACV.<br>its organic and cheap and good for lots of things. if you do this, i'd suggest diluting it by 3-1&nbsp; vinegar/water when using it. its stronger than what you buy in store.<br>it is a good tonic for humans and animals (helps with fleas/worms/parasites) and is a good colon cleanser. put some on meat to tenderize it. little goes a long way. its also good as a vapor to inhale with a cold. <br>i used to put 1/4 cup in the goats grain when i milked and it almost doubled the milk supply and is a good wormer. good for the hair of both humans and animals.<br><br>
dogs and cats and chickens like it in their food too. if when your done with the month waiting on the vinegar and you see a scum on the edges or top of it, don't throw it out. thats your "mother". i just swirl it to mix it in and dump all in old jar, re-use present jar, no i don't rinse it. just add a new batch. i'm lazy.<br>
Thanks for the links - I'm definitely bookmarking those! &lt;img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"&gt; Violet jam sounds so interesting! I love to cook and have always wanted to learn to can and make jams... Hopefully I'll learn later this year when I go to visit my dearest friend Brittney on her new farm! She and her husband are doing all kinds of gardening and will have lots to can this harvest. I'll have to tell her about this interesting recipe!&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
Thank you! I bookmarked both sites! That 3 sister's method looks pretty amazing. You can pack so much into one place. I can't believe they grow pumpkins so close to the other plants. I will have to try that even in my garden now!&lt;/div&gt;
<P>If you grow lima beans and corn in the same container you can have succotash...........</P>
&gt;Ooh! I wonder if we'd have room for that. Since it provides its own light, it can go anywhere! I should try... or try a diy version. ^.^&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;
! Aunt Meg, you sure stuffed a lot of great info in that post! I'm so excited to try those things! Especially the ACV. We always have our supply of ACV here. and it works really well as our staple tonic. I'll have to talk to my mother about trying our hand at making some... that would be a considerable help on our budget, methinks. I didn't know how good it was for animals! My brother is considering becoming a goat farmer, I'll have to give him that info. I'm definitely saving your response for reference. THANK YOU!
Thanks for starting this thread. This is something I've touched on here and there, but have wondered about myself. I have plans to repeat what the cattle drive cooks did and see how it works out. Looking forward to hear how your efforts go since it sounds like you'll be doing this before me.<div><br></div><div>Steve</div><div><br></div>
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I have some herbs in a pot that go with me on the road. When we stop, even for just a couple of hours, I take them out and set them in the sun. They are in small enough pots for me to handle and seem to be doing very well. I plan to add a few more things this spring, like spinach, chives and purslane. If you have the room to stash them somewhere while driving, I don't see why they wouldn't do well, provided you give them the water and&nbsp;nourishment&nbsp;they need and always try to give them sunlight whenever possible. I don't know if full sun veggies (like tomatoes) will get enough sunlight traveling but many things will do fine with less. If you have room in the back of an open pick up then why not have a garden growing there, sheltered from the wind, of course. <br><br>I have also considered putting one on top of the camper, provided it could be secured, away from the wind while traveling and supported from underneath. It would get all the sun it needed going down the road and parked, if you put the camper in the sun or remove the pots to a sunny spot while camping.&nbsp;<br><br><br>
I was wondering how tomatoes and cukes would do vandwelling.&nbsp;&nbsp; Considering most vandwellers who boondock only move about every 2 weeks and usually just for a day or 2, if you could find temporary room where they wouldn't get juggled around too much, I was wondering why it wouldn't work.&nbsp; What do you think Sheryl?<br>&nbsp;<br>Rae
I used to garden in the Scotty, and perch the pots outside. &nbsp;Tomatoes, peppers, etc need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight to really do well. &nbsp;They don't do well with constant vibration, but don't mind a few hours of moving around here and there. &nbsp;I wouldn't do that to them more often than once a week for a short period, or once every two weeks for a bit longer, just IMO. &nbsp;<br><br>There are tiny veggies that can be really easy to move around. &nbsp;Everyone knows about cherry tomatoes, but there are also tiny eggplants, tiny melons (fist sized), tiny mild cukes that are not gherkins, tiny bell peppers, REALLY tiny carrots. &nbsp;The tomatoes, melons, cukes, peppers, etc can be trained to grow up a small trellis in a pot, and the radishes and baby carrots don't take up much room in a flat.<br><br>Greens don't need near as many hours of sun, although they do need some. &nbsp;Yes, there are tiny cabbages.<br><br>A really great garden for a mobile dweller who has to move a lot is a sprout / baby leaf greens garden. &nbsp;You don't need much direct sun, although the more you can give the baby greens once they are past sprouts stage, the more chlorophyl and the better for you nutritionally. &nbsp;Sprouts don't take up much room either and can be grown in a sprouter that has several levels, or my preference, in a muslin sprout bag that can be dipped and then hung up over a bucket or container to drip. &nbsp;If you whip up four bags, one a day for four days, then you'll have sprouts every day, and just refill after you finish a bag. &nbsp;This is so healthy, that I think it should be something that every long term vandweller thinks about, getting good nutrition on the road. &nbsp;Again, just MO.<br><br>My favorite seed folks for tiny veggies and fruits are <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="color: #800080; text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #800080; text-decoration: underline;">Seed Savers</span></a></span></strong></span>, and <span style="color: #800080;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #800080; text-decoration: underline;">Baker</span></a></span></strong></span><strong><a href="" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #800080;"> Creek</span></a></strong></span><span style="color: #800080;"><strong><span style="color: #800080;">&nbsp; </span></strong><span style="color: #000000;">and</span></span><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #800080;"><strong><a href="" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #800080; text-decoration: underline;">Bountiful</span></a><a href="" rel="nofollow"><span style="color: #800080; text-decoration: underline;"> Gardens</span></a></strong><a href="" rel="nofollow"><br><br></a></span><span style="color: #000000;">Just FYI, on the roof is not a great idea for an RV. &nbsp;Their roofs are notoriously leak happy, and even a small bed of plants has lots of weight when it is wet. &nbsp;Better to stick with pots and moving around, and save the roof for a rainy day. &nbsp;Hmmm, not sure about vans and ladder racks, but it would not help stealth for sure! &nbsp;LOL!<br><br>Happy new year! &nbsp;Or Whatevah!<br></span><span style="color: #800080;"><span style="color: #800080;">M.</span></span>
Angeli is pretty much on the money when it comes to gardening and mobility.<br><br>If you can find an out of the way nook somewhere where you can have a garden, I would do that. See if someone has a community garden in the area.<br><br>Hydroponics is a type of system you could look into in the RV, but the lighting requirements for growing indoors might make it difficult to sleep. You'd have to choose a system that wouldn't really be affected by movement, so probably an enclosed system to restrict the nutrients from spilling on the floor.<br>You could also use dirt, the plants would grow slower and again you would need additional lighting.<br>Otherwise, I'd recommend something like the Aerogarden for indoor growing. The main issue is spillage.<br><br>I played the idea of using an old roof box as a planter, as long as you could find a transparent cover for it. Leaving dirt or nutrients (hydroponics) in it all the time would be too heavy, but some kind of spray or drip system would work.<br><br>yesican - during the early stages, its possible for the cukes or tomatoes to fall off from vibration. Cukes spend most of the time against the ground, so not really moving. Tomatoes only have to fight light wind.<br><br><span style="white-space: nowrap;">WanderingRain - Check out: Click the community section and build your own. I've been a part of the site for awhile now.</span>
I've thought about this, but figured that guerrilla gardening among site members might work out better. Sure you can grow some stuff safely and they'll even survive those quick bunny hop trips from one place to another, but what happens when you have to make that one long trip? You could potentially lose your crops in that trip. Having said that. I don't have any experience with mobile gardening, and what experience I do have it on the lighter side of stationary gardens. I'm anxious to hear more about how you make the mobile gardens work.<br><br><br>

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