Fireworks ?

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Well-known member
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Wayne National Forest, Ohio
Did anyone else see Fireworks displays last night ? A bunch of my neighbors pooled over $1,000 dollars for their display last night and it was one of the most spectacular I've ever seen anywhere ever. I was watching Scripps News the other day and they reported that the USA would spend a combined one billion dollars on July 4 fireworks this year. And another one billion on beer.

I'm at my home with my rig parked beside the house and when the little stuff was happening my cat sit beside me watching....but when the big stuff that literally filled the sky and sounded like TNT exploding mid air she thought it was check out time. (so I opened the side door of my rig and she jumped in and crawled under this movers quilt I have in order to hide underit .

Did anyone else see some fireworks displays ?
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In winter Lake Havasu City Arizona has a several day event showcasing different fireworks displays I believe it is one of the larger ones in the country.
We had a nice display here... according to the kids across the lake “the best fireworks ever”... ha ha!
We have two canons in our “neighborhood “... plus we had a guy with an electric guitar play the National Anthem before the show...
I didn't go outside since my calendar challenged neighbors have been lighting fireworks for the last couple months.

4th of July sounded like I was in the middle of a Ukrainian battlefield on a bad day. I recorded some sound from my living room after the really heavy sound subsided just for posterity.
Not even the sound of a firecracker was heard in this NFS Forest area. Which was most excellent as the fire danger is very high in Northern AZ.

I noticed the small town I used to live in on Puget Sound has permanently discontinued the 3rd of July fireworks display that was a very long standing tradition. It was fun, the close by neighborhood had a big roving, drop in Pot Luck that afternoon before the display.
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