poo pellets??!!

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Just remember that if you can't smell anything you might have an ordinary cold or allergies.
Which also goes for loss of taste, since the sense of taste is a combination of taste buds in the mouth and the sense of smell.
Hello, I keep hearing people say they never do number one and number two in the same place at the same time. For me that's about impossible, I have health issues that wouldn't allow me to guarantee that. I understand that it smells worse, but what difference does it make if you use those powder that turns it into gel or if you use pine pellets? there will be many times we can't go outside of our vehicle.
I'm also considering a diaper genie to keep the waste bags. Any other tips? I don't want anything too overwhelming as we have a pet and I know smells are much stronger for them. Thank you kindly
Hello, I keep hearing people say they never do number one and number two in the same place at the same time. For me that's about impossible, I have health issues that wouldn't allow me to guarantee that.
I don't think it matters as long as it is buried. You can even use a lid or, like you said, a diaper genie.
You are anticipating that something being an issue that has instead already been solved in advance by the composting toilet designers. A commercially designed composting toilet is set up with the female anatomy in mind. At the front is the urine diverter so pee gets directed into the jug and at the rear is the composting material where the poop naturally falls. You will learn to scoot a little bit forward to do most of the urine release and back a just a little bit to poop. A small amount of urine in the compost media is not going to be a big issue.

Either buy a commercially built compost toilet or purchase a DIY kit that has a ready made urine diverter catchment. Or else read up on how to make a urine diverter from a funnel and a tube so that the pee goes into a jar.

Like I said this problem has already been solved, you just need to purchase or make a composting toilet that includes a urine diverter. There are lots of YouTube videos on this subject. There are also plans for building one from scratch on the internet.
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We just purchased the Airhead composting toilet and went on our first trip with it. It received a 9.5 rating from all family members both male and female. Happy to answer any questions.
I had originally built one that looked really nice but it was not so easy to use or dispose of waste.
Toileting isn't a difficult problem to solve. The best solution depends on your priorities.

Portable camping toilets are compact, inexpensive, and no/low odor when properly maintained. The downside is the hassle associated with emptying it, which depending on usage, may be frequent. I've been happy with my experience using the Thetford Curve. I dump it into my residential toilet. I would not be comfortable carrying it into establishments and emptying it in public bathrooms.

Bucket toilets, can be basic DIY or factory made (falsely labeled composting toilets) run the gamut from $12 to $1200. I have a DIY bucket toilet contained in a purpose built wood ottoman. Everything goes into the garbage bag lined bucket, no separation. Urine can sit for days (depending on temperature) before it starts to smell. Poop, in a freshly made bucket can still be stinky even without urine. The amount of time poop stays in my van is measured in minutes not days. Trash containers are plentiful in my surroundings so it's not inconvenient for me to empty it. I switched from using pellets to using powder, because it creates a more compact package. Any odors are dealt with promptly, I have zero tolerance. I also like that bucket toilets can be quickly and easily cleaned.

A more refined option would be the Wrappon Trekker. It is essentially a poop/pee in a bag toilet. It seals the "deposit" in an odorless plastic bag that can be stored until disposal is convenient. With a price of $1600 it is costly to buy and use, about $1 per flush. But if frequenting areas where pack it out or leave no trace are important tenets, then this is a nice, sophisticated solution.
Toileting isn't a difficult problem to solve. The best solution depends on your priorities.
When I took my grandchildren camping we used a bucket and garbage bags with tofu litter. The bucket was in the tent and there never was any smell. I got the litter at Goodwill and did a search for the company. They went out of business, but Amazon has many tofu & green tea litter (pellets).

It looked like this product: https://a.co/d/4hRKElA
An appropriate use for toefoo...

I'm happy using the Tractor Supply horse bedding pine pellets, in a bucket. Well, it's a fancy bucket that folds up for storage with a decent seat on it. I line it with 8 gallon trash bags, you can find them at stores without too much trouble. This set-up passed, with flying colors, my first test/use. This story may be TMI but after all, this is message #29 in a discussion of peeing and pooping inside vehicles. I assume those whose sensibilities can't handle this stuff aren't reading here anyway.

A couple of years ago, after some experience camping in state park campgrounds in my minivan, I set out on a longer trip. As planned, my first night en route I stopped for the night at a Wal-mart parking lot that allowed overnights. Put up the window covers, got snuggled down into bed, all was good. Until just after 1:00 AM. I woke up in intestinal distress. The Walmart was closed, there was no time to cruise around looking for other options. It was the in-vehicle bucket with the pine pellets, my first time to use them and no way to separate anything. Just an unpleasant few hours of diarrhea. It was a real test of the pine pellets. And they were up to it! They were amazingly absorbent, and despite the cramped quarters (a minivan), the main odor present was the pine scent.

Thus went my first night ever sleeping at Wal-mart, and my first time to use the pellets. I still use them, sticking with what has worked. At seven bucks for a 40 pound bag, they are worth it to me. I have added a small bottle of Pepto to my medicine/first aid supplies. None of my subsequent Wal-mart overnights have been unpleasant, thank goodness.
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I'm happy using the Tractor Supply horse bedding pine pellets, in a bucket. Well, it's a fancy bucket that folds up for storage with a decent seat on it. I line it with 8 gallon trash bags, you can find them at stores without too much trouble. This set-up passed, with flying colors, my first test/use. This story may be TMI but after all, this is message #29 in a discussion of peeing and pooping inside vehicles. I assume those whose sensibilities can't handle this stuff aren't reading here anyway.
Wow. I am getting Tractor Supply horse bedding pine pellets. The tofu pellets worked well, but are quite expensive. Thanks for the story:)
Bob always goes over how a person poops in a van when he does a tour. I just had an experience that I don’t even want to talk about. But, it should be talked about because it’s a reality. I had a bladder infection and a friend recommended I take very high doses of vitamin C with cranberry juice. It worked the bladder infection is pretty much gone. But so are all my clean clothes. Almost 18 hours of diarrhea. And a little bit of Vomiting. This is a heck of subject to talk about. But it became reality for me in the last couple days. I’m thinking of setting up a canvas bag with extras supplies for just such an emergency. Including Clorox wipes and maybe Lysol spray. Extra wipes. Right now when I use my potty I built which is just a glorified bucket toilet I fold up a paper towel and put it in the bottom of the clean bag and then spray pretty heavy a bleach cleaner in there. So the bag is ready. It helps but that’s just for regular needs. one of the other things I want to put in that bag is a candle and some matches. LOL diarrhea in a van it ain’t fun and it ain’t Purdy. although I don’t use cedar shavings regularly perhaps I got to get a bag of them for this kit too. It’ll be interesting to see who comments on it. Any other suggestions for that little kit that I hope I never have to use again.Life is real.
Keep marshmallow root capsules on hand. I keep those and activated charcoal capsules on hand at all times.
Marshmallow root will clear up a uti faster than anything prescription or over the counter. I'm a long time kidney patient with frequent uti's. I take 2 capsules as soon as I realize I have a uti and then 2 more in an hour. Normally shortly after the first or second dose the pain stops. Then I take 2 capsules 3 times a day for 3 days.
Activated charcoal neutralizes toxins.....including food poisoning. If you get Montezuma's revenge take 2 capsules each hour until diarrhea stops. Usually doesn't take long. Also great for other toxins like spider bites as a poultice.
Your 💩 will be dark black after taking this.
When I was in Los Algodones I got some Fosfocil to put into my medicine cabinet. It only takes one pill to clear up a bladder infection. No prescription needed to purchase it in Mexico.

Also I always travel with some Imodium for diarrhea emergencies. Only takes one little pill and it works very quickly. . But I do not take it if I think I have food poisoning. It is just for if I do something stupid like eat too much dairy, or have too much fiber, or a stomach virus, etc.

My stomach and digestive track could never begin to handle a megadose of vitamin C and cranberry juice. I am also not into dealing with days and nights of terrible pain from a bladder infection waiting for all natural products to work.

Remember that a bad case of dehydration can also feel a like a bladder infection. So before you start any treatment for bladder infection always check carefully for all the signs of dehydration. Even my doctor uses the back of the hand skin pinch test to check for dehydration and so can you. Watch a YouTube video if you do not know how to do that test.
Keep marshmallow root capsules on hand. I keep those and activated charcoal capsules on hand at all times.
Marshmallow root will clear up a uti faster than anything prescription or over the counter. I'm a long time kidney patient with frequent uti's. I take 2 capsules as soon as I realize I have a uti and then 2 more in an hour. Normally shortly after the first or second dose the pain stops. Then I take 2 capsules 3 times a day for 3 days.
Activated charcoal neutralizes toxins.....including food poisoning. If you get Montezuma's revenge take 2 capsules each hour until diarrhea stops. Usually doesn't take long. Also great for other toxins like spider bites as a poultice.
Your 💩 will be dark black after taking this.
Thank u for the info. How many mg/capsule I c 960mg, 1,000mg and 2,000mg?
Texas Gypsy, Is it the Marshmallow root caps you mentioned for Montezuma's revenge or was it the activated charcoal? Just want to be clear. Thank you.
Texas Gypsy, Is it the Marshmallow root caps you mentioned for Montezuma's revenge or was it the activated charcoal? Just want to be clear. Thank you.
Marshmallow root is for uti's.
Activated charcoal is for Montezuma's revenge. It neutralizes toxins. So it is useful for quite a few things.
Marshmallow root is for uti's.
Activated charcoal is for Montezuma's revenge. It neutralizes toxins. So it is useful for quite a few things.
Thank you. Is there a way we can keep in touch? I study natural medicine and like learning from those who have used specific things. I'm giving up being on here as it takes too much of my time that I need for other things.

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