I was shocked by "Kratom" and how good it worked

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No, ma'am, I don't get sick when I go a few days without using it. Many things are addictive, including things which doctors prescribe and common things like sugar and caffiene. I don't understand your point, but I'm sure you mean well. Good day, ma'am.
This remark of yours - "I get ZERO "buzz" from it" - led me to believe that you were confused on what it means to be addicted. Lots of people think that you can only be addicted to things you get high on. Glad to hear you are not confused.
This remark of yours - "I get ZERO "buzz" from it" - led me to believe that you were confused on what it means to be addicted. Lots of people think that you can only be addicted to things you get high on. Glad to hear you are not confused.
Yep. I'm I think I'm becoming addicted to this forum :p
As someone that battled with neuropathy, I highly suggest that you go see a specialist regarding circulation. It could be from diabetes, or another condition, but the pain you're feeling is your nerve ends not getting enough blood flow and dying. Masking the pain is great I suppose. But you'll be bummed when you don't have the pain, but don't have feeling either. You can stop the advance of the problem while managing the pain. Don't just do the latter.

That's my advice. As always, do with it as you will.
Thank you.
I had a spinal cord injury at my job in 2017...still getting denied by the govt for disability. I live with chronic pain from nerve compression, and can't seem to find any pain management doctors that accept medicaid and will write prescriptions for people who have provable medical conditions. I have had 2 spinal fusions as well as them trying to burn the nerve endings few different ways, well nothing worked. So I have medical marijuana and Kratom. Without them I wouldn't still be here.
I had a spinal cord injury at my job in 2017...still getting denied by the govt for disability. I live with chronic pain from nerve compression, and can't seem to find any pain management doctors that accept medicaid and will write prescriptions for people who have provable medical conditions. I have had 2 spinal fusions as well as them trying to burn the nerve endings few different ways, well nothing worked. So I have medical marijuana and Kratom. Without them I wouldn't still be here.
All the folks I have known who have gotten SS disability have had to hire an attorney, some after years of trying on their own. Shouldn't be that way, I know. There are attorneys who specialize in this. Typically, they can get the gov to pay you a lump sum to make up for the years you should have been getting disability but didn't. That lump sum is often sufficient to pay the attorneys' fees. And then you start getting your monthly payments.
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Great post. Yes indeed! I have neuropathy. Very painful burning sensation in my feet. Doctors gave me all sorts of crap (pills) which did very little or nothing. Kratom is a life saver for me. I can get quality Kratom at smoke shops, no problem. I heard that that was not the case a few years ago. I take two or three tea spoons for a dose. I use it "as needed" which is about 2-4 times daily. It lowers my pain level by about 65-85%. I use Red Bali Kratom powder. Some batches are more potent than others, but the stuff works. If the government ever makes it illegal I'm afraid to think about living with that much pain.
Glad you're doing what works for you. Since everything isn't for everybody, it's generally best to research the pros and cons of things before ingesting them, whether it's medication from a doctor or plants from a smoke shop. Getting medical advice from a discussion board on the internet needs to be the first step in the research process, not the first and last.
I agree with you 100%. When I first heard of Kratom, it wasn't from within my spheres of friends, and trusting the internet....well let's just say I am an adult, been around lol. Few years back I was out of state visiting friends I got into a pretty tech savy conversation with a friend of theres and when the topic came up about living with pain they mentioned kratom because of a neck issue and lived with chronic pain as well... and then handed me a card from the little mom and pop convenience store with a gas station lol. But I had a recommendation from someone I had hit it off pretty well with on alternative ideas a store and a product and it works...so I bought a small sample tried it next day went back and bought a brick of it lol...it's what let's me get out on my trike on good days for some exercise. Taste's horrible. I had a colonoscemy and that chalky stuff tasted better then Kratom LOL...but it works for me. Over the years I know when and how much I need to keep the pain away and give me a little function time.
I used Kratom for many years...also for neuropathy and depression/anxiety. I started w 2-4grams a day then over time went up to 40-50 grams...I had a hypongic hallucination and stopped cold turkey...did have withdrawals for a few days but if you take the normal dose, there is no threat of withdrawals. Kratom in vape shops is low quality...but online...good quality and MUCH cheaper.

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