Darkside Of Dating & Relationships

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Jul 2, 2018
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Big Signs You're Dating A Narcissist

Healthy vs Narcissistic

What is Narcissistic Rage?

NPD - narcissistic personality disorder
Toxic, destructive, dangerous and no amount of drugs or therapy will ever change it.
Why live on the darkside? Stop being narcissistic supply.

If you can do this then you could do anything. It's only the hardest downhill in the world. Find a way to live. Breakout.

Some will accuse you of being a Narcissist, so that they can be one and control you. People will try to control you even when using pleasant tactics. What percentage of people do you suppose believe that they are smarter than you? They know best? Dang, reminds me of ex wives. Lol
Most narcissistic personalities can't handle disagreement well. They automatically react to it. It's a button. They perceive it as a personal criticism and an outright implication that they do not know something. So they flip out and attack back. Only there is no attack going on in the first place. In that perception in their confusion they use pressure to control their already trained and submissive narcissistic supply. They use manipulation on them. There's the dreaded silent treatment, the guilt trip, the fake waterfall of tears, and sometimes days of uncomfortable uneasiness all centered around forcing the manipulated ones into submission and to re-rescue them. If a person refuses to play all these games of manipulation the control freak has no use for them at all anymore and moves to getting that person out of his or hers life. Any form of lying or destructive action is used to bolster and support the original idea that disagreement is an implication that they don't know something. It scares them to death. They don't understand others. They must be perfect or else they will be discovered. They are freighted and use manipulation to keep a safe place where there is never disagreement. It's always agreement talk. You can wipe out any narcissist and their narcissistic protectors (enablers) by disagreeing with them and then blowing them up before they can run the gauntlet of their manipulation tricks. They are sick and they want to make you rescue them. It helps to be bigger then them. You will never reach them. They will never learn what the secret to listening to others means. They just have that same mindset running like a machine in their heads. The winning move is to dump them. You should dump all the suckers that rescue them too. Some people call that codependency. Everything has double meanings. It's a complete failure of life and how good it can be if you can handle disagreements without taking it personal.

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