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  1. palebluedot78

    Jayco (or similiar) van prep for FT w/ a CAT

    As of Nov. 1st I am month-to-month renting at nearly $1K/mo in Dallas and i am so sick of wasting all this money! I was going to get an efficiency for 6 months before hitting the road, but I just can't see myself here that long. I want to leave March or April. I'm looking at a Jayco M-5 17'...
  2. palebluedot78

    RV Inspection before buying?

    I am still looking for my Class B. I have found a few that were perfect but slip through my hands. I have buying anxiety that I'm going to make the wrong choice. So the next time I see one I need to act fast! I have my RV checklist of questions to ask and inspect for but I how does one go...
  3. palebluedot78

    Conversion Van... what's the catch?

    So i've been looking around for a clean conversion van, low miles, and I came across this in my state no less, with less than 15,000 miles on it and it's only $6500. Seriously?!  am I missing something?  that's practically a new vehicle.  Since there is no picture of the odometer, maybe they put...
  4. palebluedot78

    we need a dating site

    ...just geared for "us". Tiny Homes has one! Or even an alternative lifestyle site. However, I am seeing a growing number of couples that have met on YouTube actually! I am just so envious of these couples who travel together and can make their relationships work in such small quarters...
  5. palebluedot78

    Preparing for mobile life, options/suggestions?

    Crazy that this section is the most active.  What a growing community! :) Hi everyone.  I'm a 36 year old single female living alone in Dallas, TX and I have spent the past year minimizing, dreaming of being mobile and doing all I can to get ready.  I just got a large bonus at work and it's...
  6. palebluedot78


    I did a search in this forum and came up with nothing. The thread subject website is a subscription based service but it seems like it has some potential. I found some freelance/telecommuting work in my field but not sure if it's worth the extra money with so many free sites out there. You...
  7. palebluedot78

    Health experts recommend standing up at desk... LEAVING FOREVER!

    Gotta love The Onion  :D  :D  :D  :D  (I hope this is allowed here) I day dream of doing this every single day...  Can't wait until that fantasy become reality.  Just a lil while longer, hang on, you can do it...
  8. palebluedot78

    Budget advice for newbs

    So, to the seasoned dwellers... When you originally started your journey to freedom, you set up a budget and tried to live it. As you lived and experienced life on the road or stationary, what did you realize that your budget wasn't covering? What advice would you give to yourself (and us...
  9. palebluedot78

    Secret Shopper or Mystery Shopper

    I recently got an email for a "Job Offer" from The Premier Mystery Shopping Company. Does anyone have any experience w/ this company or this job? If so, is it worth it? I am aware of the scams out there but this job offer is only worth up to $200.