Recent content by RvNaut

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  1. RvNaut

    Interesting Articles Relating to EVs

    The industry has made it a point to denigrate Musk and Tesla, but not for good reasons. He has some serious issues, and the more time goes by the less I trust him in a leadership position outside of his technical guidance. However, his leadership did result in a successful Tesla, SpaceX...
  2. RvNaut

    LiFePo4 Battery & Replaceable BMS

    The cells in the battery, are just cells... most like I or others would buy to build their own. If a battery costs $600, $500 is the cells and $100 is the BMS. IOW .. BMS are inexpensive. So when/if the bms dies, take it apart , buy a BMS and build a new battery. It isn't that hard. Project...
  3. RvNaut

    Reason - Why there such a growth in vehicle living.

    My guess is that it wouldn't even buy an F35 fighter.... I suspect this is the same as the welfare argument, where in the expenditures are puny compared to the money we spend on the military... ??
  4. RvNaut

    Reason - Why there such a growth in vehicle living.

    This short video demonstrates the underlying cause of the growth in vehicle living, outside those that overtly choose it.
  5. RvNaut

    RV buying assistance for Disabled Veteran?

    $25,999? This one? Pay for a RV inspection. $5-700 there are several in the St Paul area. Call each one, talk to them, ask their rates, discounts, bundles with fluid tests, ask for a recc on a...
  6. RvNaut


    Well now.... Here we are in April of '24.... I have been out for 2+years.... it has flown by... I have so many good people ( and encountered a few not so nice) I owe a huge shout out to @abnorm and partner @moontiger for being there... opening their camp to welcome me two years ago...
  7. RvNaut

    Van Aid needs a New Lead

    Oy... *I* did not start the uncensored page... it was started by someone that didn't even attend in response to leash-rebels being booted from the main page. Please stop.
  8. RvNaut

    Van Aid needs a New Lead

    The Van Aid FB page is not shut down. It is a private hidden group at this time. Anyone that is a member can see and post in it. If you are not a member you cannot see the group.
  9. RvNaut

    Where's Global Warming when they need it? Mongolia has just seen its harshest winter in 50 years.

    This is a good overview... And this gets into some hard facts about what has been measured....
  10. RvNaut

    Where's Global Warming when they need it? Mongolia has just seen its harshest winter in 50 years.

    You do not understand the situation. It's OK, most of us are not scientists. I can provide links to information from scientific studies to help you understand.
  11. RvNaut


    So, the next time someone offers you a solid gold watch for $5, what are you going to do?
  12. RvNaut


    They live with the aliens. 100s of Millions cellphone cameras and not one pic of either.
  13. RvNaut

    Social security

    Programming... conditioning... If you listen to the right(correct) media, you would hear that the nation is under attack, and just about to collapse, and that a certain group of people are the ones doing it. They live in an alternate reality, where in they are under constant attack.
  14. RvNaut

    Social security

    Just some numbers.. Between my employers and I, $50,000 was put into my SSI over my 50 of working. ( I started at 12) Using a compound interest calculator that works out to about $83 a month and applying 3% compounding interest my fund should gain $83 a month (avg) from my pay and...